Onion, Bunching & Pickling
ONION SETS - Will be stocked in season

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- Crystal White - Pearl
- Matures 70 days; mild, 1/2"-3/4" at 60 days, 1" at 90 days, pickling

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- Evergreen (Nebuka)
- Matures 66 days; mild, non-bulbing, disease resistance, divides

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- Feast
- Matures 68 days; Imp. Tokyo, heat tolerant, tol to DM & ALS

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- He-Shi-Ko
- Matures 70 days; pungent, non-bulbing, dividing type, 12-14"

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- Ishikura Improved
- Matures 66 days; early "Tokyo Long" type, fancy long white stalk

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- Scarlet Bandit
- Matures 68 days; RED bunching onion

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- Tokyo Long White
- Matures 68 days; slightly pungent, non-bulbing, single stem, 20"

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- White Lisbon
- Matures 66 days; slightly pungent, dk green tops, holds well,16"