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22 Varieties. Priced per pound (lb) and per thousand (M) seeds. Seed counts vary.

  • 100 Bushel Plus
  • Large flattened globe, 18" - 30" across and 10" - 14" tall. 125 day maturity. Priced per pound (1oz - 1lb).
  • African Wine Kettle
  • Bottle shaped, 24" to 36" tall. 125 day maturity. Priced per pound (1oz - 1lb).
  • Apple (large)
  • 4" - 5" wide and 6" - 7" tall, true apple shape and nice if dried. 120 day maturity. Priced per pound (1oz - 1lb).
  • Autumn Wings (blend)
  • Blend of Autumn Wings small (50%), medium (25%) and large (25%). 100 day maturity. Priced per thousand seeds (100ct - 1M).
  • Autumn Wings (large)
  • 2" - 3" bulbs with 12"+ necks, colorful swan form with warts and wings. 100 day maturity. Priced per thousand seeds (100ct - 1M).
  • Autumn Wings (medium)
  • 2" - 3" bulbs with 6"+ necks, spoon shapes and unique wings. 100 day maturity. Priced per thousand seeds (100ct - 1M).
  • Autumn Wings (small)
  • 2" - 3" bulbs with 4" - 5" necks, many colors and unique wings. 100 day maturity. Priced per thousand seeds (100ct - 1M).
  • Birdhouse (bottle)
  • Tan colored 8" wide by 15" tall bottle shaped drink vessel. 100 day maturity. Priced per pound (1oz - 1lb).
  • Bottle (miniature)
  • Much smaller 2" by 4" version of large Bottle gourd. 100 day maturity. Priced per pound (1oz - 1lb).
  • Calabash (round bushel)
  • 12" to 18" at 30 to 100 pounds; decorative purposes when ripe. 120 day maturity. Priced per pound (1oz - 1lb).
  • Caveman (Maranka)
  • 15" to 18" long, 6" diameter with long handle and knobby bulb. 120 day maturity. Priced per pound (1oz - 1lb).
  • Cucuzzi (Italian edible)
  • 45" long by 4.5" wide when mature, edible when young. 100 day maturity. Priced per pound (1oz - 1lb).
  • Daisy Mix
  • Multi-colored bulbs with unique daisy pattern. 95 day maturity. Priced per thousand seeds (100ct - 1M).
  • Dipper
  • Dipper shape with 3' to 4' slender neck. 100 day maturity. Priced per pound (1oz - 1lb).
  • Large Fruited Mix
  • Assorted mix of larger gourds, various types. 100 day maturity. Priced per pound (1oz - 1lb).
  • Luffa (Dishcloth)
  • 10" long by 3" wide, can peel outer skin for a sponge once cured. 130 day maturity. Priced per pound (1oz - 1lb).
  • Lunch Lady
  • Large warted blend with an array of sizes, shapes and colors. 100 day maturity. Priced per pound (1oz - 1lb).
  • Small Ornamental Mix
  • Nice mixture of smaller gourds, different types and shapes. 90 day maturity. Priced per pound (1oz - 1lb).
  • Small Spoon Colorful
  • Small and colorful spoon shaped gourds. 90 day maturity. Priced per pound (1oz - 1lb).
  • Swan Speckled
  • 14" - 18" long with 6" - 8" base resembling a swan. 100 day maturity. Priced per pound (1oz - 1lb).
  • Tiny Turk
  • 1.5 to 3 lb bulbs, a miniature Turks Turban. 100 day maturity. Priced per thousand seeds (100ct - 1M).
  • Turk's Turban
  • Ornamental squash with orange, white, red, and green tones. 100 day maturity. Priced per pound (1oz - 1lb).