Cantaloupe (O.P.)
6 Open Pollinated Varieties. Priced per pound (1oz - 1lb). Approx. 1,200 seeds per oz.

- Crenshaw
- 8" x 6.5" melon with rough rind and very tasty salmon flesh, avg. 6-10 pounds. 110 day maturity.

- Hales Best Jumbo
- 7.5 x 6" melon around 5 pounds with heavy net and ribs, good drought resistance. 86 day maturity.

- Honey Rock
- 5.5" globe melon with light rib and coarse net, salmon flesh; Fusarium wilt tolerant. 84 day maturity.

- Honey Dew Green Flesh
- 7-8" x 7" melon with smooth, ivory skin and green flesh, around 6 pounds. 105 day maturity.

- Iroquois
- 7" x 6" melon around 5 pounds with coarse rib and sparse net, Fusarium wilt tolerant. 85 day maturity.

- Minnesota Midget
- 3.5" globe melon with deep lobes, Fusarium wilt resistant. 75 day maturity.